As the holidays approach, so can major stress. I mean, really, we are all stressed enough as it is, so the stress of preparing for the holidays can put us right over the top. I often see more patients in these high-stress times than ever. Why? Bruxism. What is Bruxism?Bruxism is just a fancy word for clenching and grinding of teeth. And if you have a tendency to clench, you do it more in times of stress. Of course, there are other reasons people clench and grind, but stress is a big one. If your stress is off the charts, call my Madison dental office. You may want a nightguard to protect your teeth!Do I Really Grind my Teeth?Many people who grind and clench their teeth don’t realize that they do it. Often it takes a broken tooth, an observer, or a dentist to realize it is happening.If you notice any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from bruxism:
What Causes Tooth Grinding and Clenching?We already mentioned stress, but there are other things that could compound your risk or cause tooth grinding and clenching even if you are a super-relaxed person. These causes include:
What Can I do to Protect my Teeth?At my dental office in Madison, we want to help protect your smile. We offer comfortable, custom-fitted mouthguards to ease the pain of clenching and grinding and keep your teeth – and your precious restorations – strong and intact. Give us a call today and find relief!Serving teeth clenchers and grinders in Madison, Middleton, and Verona.